Forging a United Nigeria: A Bold Proposal for Peace and Unity

In a country as diverse and vibrant as Nigeria, unity should always be at the forefront of our collective aspirations. As a concerned citizen from the Northern region, I am deeply committed to the cause of national unity and peace, advocating for bold steps to heal old wounds and build a stronger, more harmonious Nigeria….

Is the Purpose of NYSC Defeated?

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has long been an integral part of Nigeria’s educational and national development landscape. Established in 1973, its primary objective was to foster unity, promote cultural exchange, and instill a sense of national pride among young graduates. However, as the years have passed, concerns have emerged that the original purpose…

Using Technology to Combat Insecurity in Nigeria

Nigeria’s escalating security and economic crises continue to worsen. With over 200 million citizens, daily reports of kidnappings, banditry, and various other crimes have become distressingly routine. The current governmental efforts seem ineffective, and urgent action is required before we risk losing our nation altogether. Technology holds significant potential to address Nigeria’s security and economic…

The Evolution of Insurgency in Nigeria and the Need for Strategic Action

For over five years, Nigeria has been grappling with insurgency. With the General Elections approaching, there is still uncertainty about whether elections will be held in states under emergency and territories controlled by insurgents. Under Shekau’s leadership, Boko Haram has transformed from a rag-tag group of youths armed with cutlasses and sticks into a well-armed…

ASUU vs Nigerian Government: Where is our humanity?

It has been four months since Nigerian university students were barred from attending classes by the Academic Staff Union. While not the lengthiest closure enforced by the union, it is among the most severe. I ponder this amidst numerous challenges facing the country: security issues, economic woes, a political climate in turmoil, and more. Yet,…

The Travesty of Our Own Woes

In contemplating the external forces that seem to hinder our progress, we might overlook that these very forces are often the wings we’ve spread beyond our sight. In Nigeria, there are children from extremely low-income families scattered across major cities. These children aren’t orphans or disabled; they are healthy and capable of competing with any…

A Confused Northerner

I used to be a fervent Nigerian patriot, proudly displaying Nigerian colors as a muffler, donning the green-white-green badge on my suit, and even placing the Nigerian flag on my car dashboard. It saddened me deeply to hear negative news about Nigeria, but I always maintained optimism, assuring friends that our country would overcome its…

Fears away from home

For all those that are currently outside Nigeria, or Kano in particular, you know exactly how I feel, especially if you have friends, family and loved ones scattered all around the ancient commercial city of Kano.

Almajirai, Blessing or Nuisance?

The term “Almajirai” is derived from the Hausa language, originating from the Arabic “Al Muhajirun,” which translates to ‘The Immigrants’ in English. This term historically referred to Muslims who traveled in search of knowledge, inspired by the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad ‪ﷺ‬, which encourages seeking knowledge even as far as China. This philosophy fostered…

The Rise and Fall of PDP in Kano

When the PDP lost its prominence in the 2003 general elections in Kano, it was a perplexing moment for me. Despite the party’s strong support base and influence in the state, the ANPP emerged victorious, largely due to the popularity of its presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari. Figures like Ibrahim Shekarau also secured their positions…